14 oct au 18 nov | Oct 14 to Nov 18
vernissage 14 oct 15h00 | Oct 14 ~ 3:00PM
Jacob Whibley, lonely embers smoulder, 2017, papiers trouvés sur panneau, 17.25" x 15.25"
Diplômé du Collège d'art et de design de l'Ontario, Jacob Whibley travaille principalement le collage et la sculpture. Sa pratique prend racines dans les fondements de l'art moderne, de l'architecture et du design pour adresser les notions de la temporalité, de travail manuel et de technologie. Ses plus récentes expositions incluent imperfect aspect à Open Studio, Toronto (2016), Point and Duration à Bourouina Gallery, Berlin (2014), More Than Two (Let it Make Itself) à The Power Plant, Toronto (2013) et Freedom of Assembly aux Oakville Galleries, Oakville (2012). Son travail a été acquis par la Collection RBC, la Collection BMO, la Collection TD et le Musée des beaux-arts de l'Ontario.
A graduate of The Ontario College of Art and Design in the Communication Design program, Whibley works predominantly in collage and sculpture. His practice roots through modernist art, architecture and design concepts to address issues of temporality, labour and technology. His recent exhibitions include imperfect aspect at Open Studio, Toronto (2016), Point and Duration at Bourouina Gallery, Berlin (2014), More than Two (Let it Make Itself) at The Power Plant, Toronto (2013) and Freedom of Assembly at Oakville Galleries, Oakville (2012). His work has been acquired by the RBC Collection, BMO Collection, TD Collection and the Art Gallery of Ontario.
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