« WHERE IS HERE? » 17 au 26 juin | June 17 to 26
vernissage 17 juin 17h00 | June 17 ~ 5:00PM
Where is Here and Where I Was describe the work that is evolving during my work period in Montreal for the ELAN Artist Residency with the support of Canada Council. My in situ inspiration-muse and my gathering-collecting habit have brought together the recycled debris of the place Where I Was in a green zone and combined it with the Where is Here, the city of Montreal, itʼs buildings, itʼs garbage and itʼs people. This new work combines drawings, photography, printmaking and digital work in contrast to my work where I create large botanical prints using the weeds and indigenous plants around my studio in the ʻmiddle of nowhereʼ.
ABOUT THE RESIDENCY: ELAN's Residency Exchange Project, funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, is designed to build links between artistic communities in the Eastern Townships and Montreal.
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