Chers amis, j'aimerais vous inviter personnellement à deux évènements auxquels je participe la semaine prochaine : L'ART CHAUD, une exposition d'art érotique dans un espace alternatif, et le lancement double des ARCHIVES CIEL VARIABLE + CV85 CONFLIT / CONFLICT, la conclusion d'un projet d'envergure qui contribuera certainement à mieux faire connaitre le magazine pour lequel je travaille. N'hésitez pas à passer me dire bonjour, ça me fait toujours un grand plaisir de rencontrer les lecteurs du webzine. Sur ce, je vous souhaite un excellent weekend, à bientôt !
Dear friends, I would like to personally invite you to two events in which I am participating next week: L'ART CHAUD, an erotic art show in an alternative space, and the double launch of ARCHIVES CIEL VARIABLE + CV85 CONFLIT / CONFLICT, the conclusion of an ambitious project that will certainly contribute to better know the magazine that I work for. Don't hesitate to pass by and say hell, it's always a great pleasure to meet the readers of ratsdeville. On this note, I wish you an excellent weekend, see you soon!
Dear friends, I would like to personally invite you to two events in which I am participating next week: L'ART CHAUD, an erotic art show in an alternative space, and the double launch of ARCHIVES CIEL VARIABLE + CV85 CONFLIT / CONFLICT, the conclusion of an ambitious project that will certainly contribute to better know the magazine that I work for. Don't hesitate to pass by and say hell, it's always a great pleasure to meet the readers of ratsdeville. On this note, I wish you an excellent weekend, see you soon!
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