« ROOTS » 8 au 31 jan | Jan 8 to 31
vernissage 8 jan 18h00 | Jan 8 ~ 6:00PM
El Seed is an artist born of the graffiti culture. Starting in 1998 in Paris, his origins, encounters and evolution all direct him toward the art of Arabic calligraphy. Developing a modern approach to an ancient Arabic and Islamic art, he creates a bridge between two worlds. His art stands for the prying open of dialogue, a struggle against the uprooting of cultures, and an invitation to share his roots, his story.
vernissage 8 jan 18h00 | Jan 8 ~ 6:00PM
El Seed is an artist born of the graffiti culture. Starting in 1998 in Paris, his origins, encounters and evolution all direct him toward the art of Arabic calligraphy. Developing a modern approach to an ancient Arabic and Islamic art, he creates a bridge between two worlds. His art stands for the prying open of dialogue, a struggle against the uprooting of cultures, and an invitation to share his roots, his story.
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