6 au 30 nov | Nov 6 to 30
vernissage 6 nov 18h00 | Nov 6 ~ 6:00PM
Headquarters : 1649 Amherst
On the Road Again: Animals in the City is a requiem for the natural world, exploring the role of the animal as myth, companion, jester, and trophy. Confrontations with human hubris are provoked through fore-grounding animals in states of vulnerability, passion, sexual copulation and death. Animalistic impulses are juxtaposed and re-aligned with humanity, challenging human notions of 'separateness' from other creatures on earth. The struggle between life and death is used to question and re-invigorate the serene domestic role animals play in urban environments. Through examining the shades between beauty and traditional notions of 'ugliness', the cloying mythical image of 'the wild' and its self-contained trophy forms, are engaged and challenged
Using masonite cutouts of animal forms - literally framed alongside humans or tokens of the human world – further seeks to highlight this incongruity and play upon notions of animalism. This work seeks to challenge viewers’ sense of their own humanity. By confronting tendencies of animalistic expression, viewers may more comfortably align themselves with the world and its creatures within.
Kate Puxley was born in Edmonton, Alberta and has since lived in Toronto, Ottawa, Italy, and Montreal. She completed her Bachelor of Fine Arts at Concordia University in 2005, was one of five Canadian artists short-listed to illustrate The Life of Pi by Yann Martel, and recently was awarded the Editor’s Choice Award for Art Threat Magazine’s Framing Harper Competition. Her work hangs at The Brookstreet Hotel (Kanata, ON), and at The Ironworks (Almonte, ON). She enjoys melting chocolate on her tongue, collecting dead insects, and painting in the dark.
Headquarters Galerie & Boutique has been ushering in new artistic talent since June 1st 2006. Featuring new artist exhibitions once a month this 2 level galerie/boutique concept store aims to draw out the curious and reward the faithful. New clothing, accessories and home-ware designers are added to the store roster often, and the contents of the store are constantly changing. Focusing on indie designers from around the globe, the mix of art and product design meld in glorious harmony.
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