Patten is a multidisciplinary artist living and working in Montreal.
Born in 1977 in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, of Cree and European
decent, he holds a BFA in painting and drawing with a minor in art
history from the University of Regina. Patten has participated in solo
and group exhibitions internationally and nationally at artist run,
commercial, and university galleries including: LOOP international
video art Festival, (Barcelona, Spain, 2007), Neutral Ground, (Regina,
SK, 2005), Pierre-François Ouellette art contemporain, (Montreal, QC,
2006) and the University of Bishops, (Lennoxville, QC, 2006).
creates elegant visual puns which catch you unaware. His modified
"Exit" sign, for example, gets an existentialist twist by simply adding
an "s". It takes most people a few moments to catch on. I also love the
two black doors which are perforated with tiny holes. There's a light
source inside the doors, turning them into a night sky as the light
twinkles through. I guess the universe is flat. [...]" - Bettina Forget
« The eternal silence of these infinite spaces frighten me »
Blaise Pascal
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