Hello from the beautiful West of Canada, The Kooteney mountains in British Columbia. I have been here for a bit over a week bit it been packed of adventures.
I started at Shambhala (electronic) music festival, with 13,000 loaded people, very intense n crazy but also pretty fun to enjoy different trippy stages with good music, people in costumes n such. I will let the pics talk, its difficult to explain. I grounded myself at the Visionary art Gallery at The Labyrinth Stage and did some mega sales of my colorfull products.
Then yesterday, after a nice rest in the country with some friends, I came back to Nelson, to have the opening of my 2 week art show at a gallery called The Factory. It was partner show with Melissa Meretsky from popular bands like Wassabi Collective n Lucious Beats. It was pretty nice, lots of cool people showed up to see the happy art and take the good vibes back home.
You can see more pics of all this in this album: facebook.com/album
Anyways, I have less than a week left here and then I cruise down to Burning man, so I'll send my report once that wakky adventure is done with. Love n Light, Chris!
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