Hello friends, hope all is blessed on a sunny Spring Equinox and Easter Friday, and topped off with a full moon. Its also the day a native prophecy says 8,000 drums play to heal our mother earth and begging a new era of rebirth. So lets enjoy!
The main reason for this message here is to share my latest painting, till this point my masterpiece, that`s been on the works (between a bunch of other pieces n projects) since October. It is called « THE GOD OF HEALING » and it has been channeled through me for your own enjoyment and upliftement. This co-creation with my higher self has kept me happy all winter and it`s now my gift for you to use for your own healing. Attached below is the normal light pic and the blacklight version.
I would also like to take the chance to announce that my webpage is now updated, looking pretty futuristic. Though its my own design, I couldn't of made it function without my computor genius friends F-ram and FrankLam. Check it out at my usual positivecreations.ca
Anyways, see ya soon come, Love n Light, Chris!
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