Hello Friends, how is your winter treating you this year? Hope everything is irie! Here some News on where you can find my art this month.
1. A 2 page interview in Slide Skate Magazine from Peru : f-ram.net/positivecreations
2. The Skateboard Magazine from California just had an article on Creation Skateboard's tour through Montreal : f-ram.net/positivecreations
3. Last January I participated in a group skart show in Costa Mesa, California, it was an honor to have my art on the flyer + at the Light Gallery : myspace.com/thelightgallery
4. Also from southern California is this new Skate art Web page called Gnartist and Im the first artist they're featuring : gnartist.com/artists
5. Last December I participated in a group Skart show in Montreal and it was covered in a couple of Web tv shows. Check it out at Vox Pop : 33mag.com/webtv.php & Bang Bang : 3.globetrotter.net + choose STYLE #1 Enjoy!
6. Anyways, Im not travelling this winter so I can create new art, so if you want to see this you can go to : f-ram.net/positivecreations/NEWART/
So thanx for reading and hope that all is great in manisfesting an enlightened existence for us all. Love n Light, Chris!
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