jiclée sur papier d'archives d'un Palm pilot
/ archival inkjet print from a Palm pilot
21 x 35 " édition 2/5
800 $
My practice draws inspiration from everyday, yet personal, subject matter. For example, when I began working in an office as an administrative assistant I starting using a portable hand-held computer, or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). Normally used for storing and retrieving schedule, calendar and address book information for networking, I also used the PDA as a drawing device to record my private and intimate thoughts.
I titled this work Lost Thoughts, and although I was systematic in putting my thoughts into words, I was just as likely to remove or partially erase those notes that I felt could not be kept – intentions or memories that prevented me from moving forward in life. One note from the series states: “I think about you all the time” but the erasure also negates this message. This project explores notions of memory, self-censorship and language, as well as exploring the thin line in between the private and public spheres.